Chaze: wtf ADMIN LEFT
Chaze: killed me tru wall^
Lulu: you can do that now
Chaze: hacker
FireBurst: only losers use hacks lol
bigt553nosound: whose the hacker?
FireBurst: the one headshooting from 50m with pistol
played at AvaMods on 07/07: "the admin left

FireBurst: wow ur such gay lol
bigt553nosound: the admin left ur a hacker..
bigt553nosound: the minute u come out u look to where i am
the admin left :-D: i was looking at second flag, you jumped out to second flag.. gg
bigt553nosound: wow, massive hacker, im up top, hidden and he sees me automatically
kyle 4695: hacker
bigt553nosound: i bet if u didnt hack u would suck massively at this game
the admin left :-D: hidden? i came behind you in double windows you dumb fuck
FireBurst: I know hackers suck in real life thats why they need hack
bigt553nosound: i saw u on the floor down there retard
the admin left :-D: ok yeah you musta.. when you were prone looking out doubles
the admin left :-D: oh your 7:25 lol nm
bigt553nosound: it doesnt matter about us, it matters about u.. ur hacking, ur ruining the fun for evry one
bigt553nosound: and hacking also means u just royaly suck
bigt553nosound: once again, he hacked to kill..
bigt553nosound: CAMPER HACKER!!
Lulu: shut up
bigt553nosound: yah ur so good cuz u can camp and hack, the admin left
the admin left :-D: how was that hacking?? yet again i came up behind you and killed you with melee.. thats hacking?
General Baron: thats one helll of a hack
bigt553nosound: ok, the admin left is being annoying by hacking
bigt553nosound: hes breaking 2 rules
Lulu: do you have real proof?
bigt553nosound: yah, i was up top in the roof, and i was aiming straight at him rddy to shoot him then he looks up out of no
bigt553nosound: out of no where and shoots me
the admin left :-D: wtf thats not what happened at all.. wow man gg
the admin left :-D: you were in spiral stairs.. i come up stairs.. behind you.. bam your dead
Lulu: hmm
bigt553nosound: u said u killed me from double windows right?
bigt553nosound: i wasnt even at the double windows
bigt553nosound: fucking tard, ur a hacker
The admin left :-D: 1st time you were in doubles.. i came in house.. went up stairs.. went in doubles.. bam dead
bigt553nosound: i never go to double windows
bigt553nosound: i think they suck cuz i cant peek through the holes..
the admin left :-D: yet i kill you there constantly
played at AvaMods on 07/08: admin is cheating
played at AvaMods on 07/08: confirmed
the admin left :-D: hahah
the admin left :-D: you kill me and call me a cheater, at least let me shoot once.. gg again
bigt553nosound: i told u so..
played at AvaMods on 07/08: those arent normal cheats
played at AvaMods on 07/08: creating private cheats is the only way to go evidently
the admin left :-D: private cheats?
played at AvaMods on 07/08: not publicly available
played at AvaMods on 07/08: only few people have them
the admin left :-D: ohh ok so now i got top secret cheats
bigt553nosound: see lulu he is hacking
Lulu: wait what I turned to watch something on tv
bigt553nosound: some dude confirmed admin cheating..
the admin left :-D: nothing.. just how i have top secret cheats developed by nasa
Lulu: lol
bigt553nosound: played at Avamods confirmed his cheating..
Lulu: OMG
the admin left :-D: yeah take the word of the guy that doesnt know how to change his name
played at AvaMods on 07/08: hes hacking
(DEAD) played at AvaMods on 07/08: admin left is cheating
(DEAD) played at AvaMods on 07/08: im out and
im contacting valve
played at AvaMods on 07/08: ...the cheating never stops does it