Thread: noob
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Old July 20th, 2009
Hyper Hyper is offline
forum n00b
Join Date: May 21st, 2009
Status: No Status
Posts: 6

Kannibalen in Zivil: i win
JhonKill: gg
diablo: you cheat
CakE*Tk0: you hack
Kannibalen in Zivil killed diablo with bar
(DEAD) diablo: how???????
diablo: why do it you loser?????
Kannibalen in Zivil killed CakE*Tk0 with bar
diablo: arent you very good?
* CakE*Tk0 has joined Spectators...
diablo: thats ok, we cant all be good but theres no need to use cheats
diablo: youre using cheats so your score counts for nothing
diablo: listen, ive played this plenty and this guy6 is cheating
Kannibalen in Zivil: prove it
diablo died
diablo: he is a real twat
Kannibalen in Zivil killed diablo with bar
diablo: admin
Kannibalen in Zivil killed diablo with mortar
* CakE*Tk0 has joined Spectators...
diablo: adin
Kannibalen in Zivil killed diablo with mortar
Kannibalen in Zivil killed diablo with bar
diablo: omfg, i shot you in thr back and you just turined round and killed me kannibalen??????
diablo: how ddi you do that?
Kannibalen in Zivil: skill diablo
CakE*Tk0: shutup
diablo: dont lie, you cant use skill not to die you moron
Kannibalen in Zivil: XD
Kannibalen in Zivil: thats great

CakE*Tk0: hes cheating
CakE*Tk0: and i know it
Kannibalen in Zivil: prove it
CakE*Tk0: what team you on zivil
Kannibalen in Zivil: i got no team
CakE*Tk0: play leagues?
Kannibalen in Zivil: no
CakE*Tk0: then youre not legit
CakE*Tk0: anyone who claims to be as good as you
CakE*Tk0: would play cal
CakE*Tk0: like me
CakE*Tk0: im cal main
Kannibalen in Zivil: so i am only allowed to be good if i play in a league?
CakE*Tk0: basically. the only good players left in this game do
[95th]PVT.wayward: they dont know what to make of you
CakE*Tk0: shut up wayward
[95th]PVT.wayward: if he wallhacks, or aimbots - then prove it!
diablo: how?
CakE*Tk0: i already speced you
CakE*Tk0: aiming through walls at people
Kannibalen in Zivil: i never did that XD
CakE*Tk0: ok baddy

Kannibalen in Zivil killed diablo with bar
diablo: i was shooting right at you and you dditn die. you just stopped aimed and fired. thats proof.
CakE*Tk0: you dont really know shit
CakE*Tk0: sorry bro
CakE*Tk0: hes cheating
CakE*Tk0: but that doesnt make since
diablo: no youre right, i cant asy ive ever met him, but ive met mrs shit, shes youre identical twin sister
Kannibalen in Zivil: i dont get it
* CakE*Tk0 has left the game...

Kannibalen in Zivil killed -=FHF|S|MIKA=- with rock
-=FHF|S|MIKA=-: kanibalen going to send this demo to VAC

diablo: and now he's just shot me through a wall on the stairs in the building\
Kannibalen in Zivil killed diablo with bar
Kannibalen in Zivil killed diablo with bar
diablo: ok guys, im off, this is not fun with him
* diablo has left the game...

It's ridiculous to call me a hacker...but it was funny to see this noobs crying about hax everytime i killed them

Last edited by Hyper; July 20th, 2009 at 06:51 AM.
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