July 31st, 2009
forum n00b
Join Date: July 31st, 2009
Status: No Status
Posts: 1
Hillarious abuse
So I just hopped into ur server after like 2 years of not touching DOD, and i start reading chat about how some admin's being a sadistic prick to some guy, so naturally without giving much of a fuck i start dialoguing him:
Me: "Do I smell an abusive admin?"
Dr. Steve Brule: "Oh you want to be the next one?"
Me: "No, not really I'm just figuring out whether or not you're an abusive admin"
Dr. Steve Brule: something generally stupid/of no value
Me: "No it really doesnt matter, I dont really care, but you're an abusive admin and everyone is seeing it"
Dr. Steve Brule: some more stupid sadistic crap
Me: "I should pay 5 bucks a month to satisfy my superiority complex too!"
Then I got gagged, and he said,
Dr. Steve Brule: "nougat"
Dr. Steve Brule: "change your name so we can start over"
so I changed my name and he banned me naturally.
So quick recap: I don't mind being banned from your servers, I don't play dod more than once in a long while. However, I've got a shitload of free time on my hands, and I feel like taking a stab of justice at some elitist, sadistic, overprivleged asshole that is one of your admins. His only Alias was "Dr. Steve Brule"
Hoping you guys give a fuck about responsibility (but not really caring),