July 31st, 2009
Helpful Avamods Admin
Join Date: September 7th, 2006
Status: :_
Posts: 1,412
let me be the first to point out the inaccuracies in your post.
first off, WE DONT FUCKING PAY FOR ADMIN. being a realism idiot, im sure thats hard for you to grasp.
he isnt even a fucking admin, OF ANYTHING, and he was making fun of a kid who was mic spamming.
i gagged you for starting an argument for no reason, when no one here knows (or cares) who the fuck you are; you were just trying to start shit.
then he told you to change your name, which, like an idiot, you did.. not realizing we run a plugin that bans people for gagged name change.
TL;DR you just came on this forum and accused a person who isnt even admin of banning you. also, gullible is written on the ceiling.