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Old August 9th, 2009
pancakes. pancakes. is offline
Join Date: January 19th, 2009
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Posts: 6

don't worry. This server has serious issues with admin.

coltron hates me and bans me whenever he gets killed.
boer (or someone else) gags me whenever they log on.

*literal game msg*
boer joins the game from..
boer joins axis
you have been gaged. any attempt...

some other *offences* that will lead to a kick/ban/gag

trying to communicate with team mates topush for a flag
killing any of them from a corner more than twice in a row. u are camping, of course it only works because they are soo predictable in where they go and where they camp. Apartments are basically ava mod admin camping ground. But that's fine.
killing them from an off access area, that will get u kicked. But it's perfectly fine for them to call down airstrikes on those areas.

so really, the bottom line is the admins pretty much do what they please. Live with it nougat, they have no skills and it's their way of feeling superior.

*edit* boer, if ur not the admin that keeps gaging me. i apologize. u just happen to be the only admin that was on at the time. (although there were two spectators..1 of which i am sure was also an admin..)

Last edited by pancakes.; August 9th, 2009 at 03:05 PM.
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