jIMMY sTEWART: uh huh,..rates mod,..or your hacking mfer
dejatronic [music]: rates mod? wtf does that even mean
jIMMY sTEWART: youve modified your rates,..and no one else can
dejatronic [music]: are you dumb everyone can change their rates
jIMMY sTEWART: servers prevent that,..except usually for teh guys in the clan
jIMMY sTEWART: thewy figure,.our server ,..we can cheat if we want
dejatronic [music]: umm ok you almost know what youre talking about
jIMMY sTEWART: ill makes them cheating pieces of shit
dejatronic [music]: yeah youre clearly a dumbass.. keep making it more obvious
jIMMY sTEWART: uh huh,..not sure what your bs is,..but it must be sad to only be able to compete with cheating,..fucking scru
* jIMMY sTEWART has left the game...