i'm kinda pissed cause the fucking guy mess my PP account up negative -$2,175, paypal said he's not the true owner of the account, so i'm guessing after the true user saw the charge they stop the payment, i'm prettylucky i didnt ship the pc off, i already did what i can police report/postal investigators/ebay/paypal/forward emails from the guy.
at this point i'm just looking out for my end, i already had an argument with paypal cause i'm not paying that shit the fuckers got scared when i said i was gonna get my layer on 3way

, they gotta be outta their fucking minds

, so they tell me this case will take 60days since i'm not gonna accept the charges, it aint my fault, i really dont trust paypal so i'm closing my bank account and my cancelin my debit and credit cards getting new ones, fuck that am not gonna be stuck paying off $2000.
lol HEY! nic if i dont wanna go to jail for fraud, why you think i wanna go for murder or asault?
