October 7th, 2009
Helpful Avamods Admin
Join Date: September 7th, 2006
Status: :_
Posts: 1,412
This is a message from my friend bean, enjoy.
[14:29] Bean: i just drank my own piss by accident
[14:29] Bean: a pretty big sip
[14:29] xcasxperx: no u didnt
[14:29] Bean: swear to god i did
[14:29] xcasxperx: wow
[14:29] xcasxperx: lol
[14:29] Bean: i have two nantucket nectar juice bottles
[14:29] Bean: from phoenix
[14:29] Bean: i just bought one now, and one last night
[14:29] Bean: and was in a heated warcraft battle
[14:29] Bean: and peed in it
[14:29] xcasxperx: stop pissing in bottles. neckbeard!
[14:29] Bean: ha
[14:29] Bean: at least i dont have a pimple beard like tim snow
[14:30] xcasxperx: lol
[14:30] Bean: he prolly drinks his own piss for fun
[14:30] xcasxperx: there was thi8s kid in my auto
[14:30] xcasxperx: in school
[14:30] xcasxperx: he did
[14:30] xcasxperx: for protien or something
[14:30] Bean: its not good for you
[14:30] Bean: theres nothing in it
[14:30] Bean: he was a fucking weirdo
[14:30] Bean: i ran over and did a shot of vodka
[14:30] xcasxperx: it wont hurt u
[14:30] Bean: and swished the 2nd shot around
[14:30] Bean: then drank my real juice
[14:30] Bean: which was cranberry
[14:31] xcasxperx: youll be fine
[14:31] Bean: nah it wasnt that bad
[14:31] Bean: like
[14:31] Bean: dirty
[14:31] Bean: salt water or something
[14:31] Bean: AND
[14:31] xcasxperx: lol
[14:31] Bean: there was no way i could do anything
[14:31] Bean: i drank it so fast
[14:31] Bean: i noticed like right after it went down
[14:31] Bean: im like uhh warm
[14:31] Bean: WTF
[14:31] Bean: OH
[14:31] Bean: WHAT
[14:31] Bean: PASFHADSHFAS