October 25th, 2009
Join Date: July 21st, 2008
Status: No Status
Posts: 464
Mr. Slave: you accurately shot me from a distance of over 100 yards standing
Mr. Slave: firing full auto
worst dod player ever: not full auto dipshit
Mr. Slave: im just sayin im a dm in the army and i dont know many shooters
Mr. Slave: that can hit a target under those conditions from that range
Sgt. Barnes: wow rifle nub
Sgt. Barnes: hax by worstdod player
Sargent: dude, you are running a hitbos hack
Psychopath: Those are some sweet hax worst player
Psychopath: Where'd you get those hax?
Psychopath: Total haxing fag. I hope you feel good being a loser piece of shit
Psychopath: lol not even good when you're not being a lame sack of crap
Psychopath: rail gun faaggot
Psychopath: How do you run so fast? Nice hax
Psychopath: Worst, how do you run so fast you haxor?
worst dod player ever: bind key meth_self
Psychopath: Oh, so the server helps you hax? That's awesome
worst dod player ever: its a plugin dumbass
Psychopath: A haxing plugin
Psychopath: Why are you only spawnkilling?
Psychopath: Allies, go out right side spawn
Psychopath: I love bolt actions because they don't take skill
Sgt.Pete: Worst dod player ever, I hate you will so much pashion
Sgt.Pete: I wish I could hate you to death
Sgt.Pete: Concentrating my hate......
SuperSirius: blatent stop wall tracing before someone records you
Notorious BIG: thats fucking bullshit
Notorious BIG: worst dod player...you are the biggest poon in the world
Notorious BIG: fuck you
Notorious BIG: aim bot and wall hack
Notorious BIG: ...
Notorious BIG: you saw me through the wall?