Thread: xst. Brazil
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Old January 12th, 2010
Arnika Arnika is offline
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Join Date: February 5th, 2009
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Posts: 8

Hello everyone.
I''m an admin from a group of servers that together form the largest DOD server from brazil. That's "Loucos por Dod", or just .:LPDoD:.

I'm here to bring one new information about this player.

He is pemanently banned from our servers by using cheat.

Here's the post from our forum:
.:LPDoD:. LOUCOS POR DOD • Ver Tpico - Ini (01/10/09) STEAM_0:0:18699981 - xst @ NeT 4ever ol

The link with the Demo is broke, but I can manage to get it again.

I know this couldn't proove this guy was cheating here on Ava server, but I'm only bringing more evidence in that direction.

Well, I hope I've helped some how on this...
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