July 20th, 2010
Helpful Avamods Admin
Join Date: September 7th, 2006
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Quote: Originally Posted by HAWKEYE 
>be 10 but look waay older (one of those things where you have the same face your whole life)
>no nothing about sex
>walk into a neighborhood with a bunch of 4 15-16 year old girls standing in a circle
>they all ask me to come over and talk and invite me over the next day
>in one of the girls basement
>they all strip down after talking for a couple hours
>i get nervous
>they strip me down after me telling them to stop and rub up against me telling me i have a big dick and one starts sucking me
>go into aspie mode and kick her in the ribs and punch another in the face
>other 2 run away
>afraid they'll tell
>pick up loose board and throw at their legs knocking them down and run home
>i tell dad what happened
>he tells me what sex is
>never see a naked woman my entire life again