October 21st, 2010
occasional visitor
Join Date: July 27th, 2010
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Status: No Status
Posts: 13
This dude doesn't hack to the best of my knowledge, but I can tell you for sure that everyone that's played with him is sick of the way he plays. He plays Axis every time; wont play if there's no axis spot open, and uses the MG42 every time. He camps in the usual MG-spots and it's annoying, but not the reason I've made this post. From time to time you'll find him with the MG set up right in the door shooting into the Allies spawn and that's absurd. Also when you're on his team, he starts EVERY SINGLE round by picking up the panzerschreck, waiting for a few team mates to get to the concrete or what ever it is right under the window above the first flag, and fires at it. He does this because he knows that it will explode and kill everyone around it. He does this to me every time he can because I'm the only one that ever calls him out on what he does. He plays like a bot but I really don't think he is... Maybe I'm wrong and he doesn't deserve to be banned, but I'm just frustrated with this right now...
TLDR: I hate his play.