Quote: Originally Posted by
It says nothing in the game about How to play the game... Just walk, kill,Snipe and capture a flag...
There is nothing about it in YOUR rules aswell...
So yeah, there you have it... No WRITTEN rules about the gameplay... so don't come up with rules that don't even excist.
But just because you have a Tag that says "Admin" in front of your name, makes you think you are the ALLMIGHTY DICK of the server...

there is a word for that too... Abuse.
But hey, Go ahead, fuck up the server.. i don't mind...
You just lost a Tactical Player.
I wasnt even being a dick, you arent allowed to prone on the fucking tank...
Lol, the server sure is going to be fucked up now, with one more terrible retard not trying to prone inside his spawn!
If you and every player you have ever played with got in a plane crash and died, the server wouldnt miss a beat. No one would even notice. Fuck off.