lol icc is mostly working now i guess.. I havent really been around lately so i havent run it lately, we were going to do it last night but there wasnt enough non-retards on so we just brought the retards to ony25 instead.
I just dps'd on my war and dk and healed with the shaman, and i had the top 2 dps spots.. My dk was almost 9k, and there was a couple paypal nubs with full t10.5 gear that didnt even break 5k. Not too bad while talking in AIM and basically just pressing 2 buttons for my macros in wow.
my pally is almost 65 now, wanted to hit 80 this weekend but I think im going to be lazy and let it get more rest xp before i continue with it more, besides its fun to rape idiots in outland that think they can gank me cause they are higher level, not realizing ive got 6 heirlooms and the rest are blues (and that they suck anyway) ..only 1 person was able to kill me lately and it was an 80 dk, which i easily took care of by logging my war, and then they cried to GMs saying my 40k hp couldnt be legit, i guess they expect every warrior to pvp in fury or some shit and not prot lmao
Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.
Last edited by diamond-optic; December 9th, 2010 at 12:44 PM.