lmao i wrote a script to loop keypresses automatically for me so my hotkey program catches them, set my team up infront of a bugged boss and went to bed.. woke up today with over 50 emblems from when i was asleep lol.
im surprised it even worked and that im still connected and killing this thing.. kinda wondering if people are curious as to why ive been in an instance for past 12 hours
pretty nice little script too lol, 1st it makes everyone jump so i dont get booted for afk, then it does my horn/totems/seal/rage macros, then pops trinkets, buffs, hero, etc.. then does my attack macros for 25 loops, boss usually dies around loop 20 or so, then it waits 10 minutes before starting over cause this boss respawns for some reason (and the boss doesnt attack back or move in the first place)
nice way to gear up my new pally lol
and im doing better dps then most of the guild while im asleep, my war and dk are only doing about 5.5k with this script, but most of the people on this guild/server are fucking horrible.. ppl with full paypalled t10 doing 2k dps lol
Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.
Last edited by diamond-optic; January 3rd, 2011 at 03:32 PM.