January 8th, 2011
Helpful Avamods Admin
Join Date: September 7th, 2006
Status: :_
Posts: 1,412
Oh.. well i can recall! Let me refresh your memory. See, we have this cute little guy, hes called the GID database. He lists every name you have ever used ingame. And he doesnt lie.
Now, i see that nowdays youve been playing with your name as "I AM A NIGGER LOVER" How fitting.
Anyways, there was a time when you played with your name as bonehead. I cant count the number of times i had gagged you for running your mouth unnecessarily. I vivdly remember you accusing me for noscoping..
How OH HOW could i possibly remember with all of you faggots accusing me you ask?? Well, what i do is go on mr GID editor, and set every person who accuses me to the color brown. I only use brown for this, for just this reason. Guess what color your name is in the GID Suzy??! ITS FUCKING BROWN, AND THATS THE COLOR OF SHIT.
Now if you spent as much time trying to get better at dod as you did accusing people, i dont think youd have this problem.