Quote: Originally Posted by Wakki
You harass me. I'm an admin.
You block. You blocked me yesterday. TWICE.
You and buck spawn camp on hill. Numerous people have had spoken complaints about you two doing that.
You do exploit. Nade exploiting in ava. :| I recall banning you two three times for that.
You can't mic spam now, but when wench ungags you, you're quite vulgar.
Before you did mic spam.

I dont harass you, you gag me right when you join, I wasnt blocking you i was standing near the bong(and you slayed me for taking the garand). EVERYONE spawn camps on hill. I havnt done one nade exploit in 5-6 weeks.(get out of the past). and when wench ungags me, Its for no longer then 2 seconds, and all i did was say hi to you.