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  #652 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old October 27th, 2011
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diamond-optic diamond-optic is offline
i dont want a goldfish
Join Date: March 13th, 2005
Location: Upstate New York
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loving all the avamods related shit thats popping up on other server sites now lol.. most of them talking trash since now they think they are the shit all of a sudden lol.. but at least here and there ive seen some stuff that is either neutral in a sense, or just downright respectful (rare! lol) ..but if other people can keep even a fraction of this game still going then more power to them as i could care less about any of the petty bullshit

feel the avamods impact! lol

and lol @ the chatbox on

some older shit that was there this morning is now pushed off the chatbox and i dont see anyway to see older posts but talking about coming on wow and owning me? wtf kind of faggot shit is that to even say lol bring it bitches

but some of it is kinda funny:

corey [26 Oct : 23:58] maybe tomorrow when ava shut down, dusty will have some actual people playing

UnhappyCamper [27 Oct : 00:10] Maybe. That was one of my worries was that they will show up sporadically alone, see a bunch of bots, and leave.

UnhappyCamper [27 Oct : 11:56] Well it appears Ava went the way of the dodo bird. So long Avamods, but send your asshats elsewhere.

corey [27 Oct : 13:12] nice welcome bout this instead....welcome avamods regs. we look forward to seeing you in our server...

UnhappyCamper [27 Oct : 13:27] There are a lot of good guys that played on Ava. But there are some that need an immediate dose of thunder. You'll probably recognize them because their names usually center around lynching/dehumanizing/killing black people.

UnhappyCamper [27 Oct : 13:34] It'd be the shit if Grandpa came over, he's freakin cool!

pretty cool feeling no matter what the context is, just knowing that other servers are aware or whatever that a powerful force in the dod community has released their grip on things and moved on

Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

Last edited by diamond-optic; October 27th, 2011 at 06:56 PM.
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