February 9th, 2013
i dont want a goldfish
Join Date: March 13th, 2005
Location: Upstate New York
Status: hazey
Posts: 3,259
i cant find any game that has the same appeal or level of enjoyment.. even in the best case scenario, I tend to lose interest in the game pretty quickly..
it also might have something to do with the people that are playing online games now, like we saw in the last years of our server, theyre all complete and total retards.. and most ppl are either south americans or 10 year old kids lol.
and then theres also the fact that focus on gameplay has went to shit.. its either about making great graphics instead, or making the game retard-friendly... or theyre just console ports that turn out to be shit on pc. Not to mention most games now are not mod-friendly, even in terms of what server op's can configure and do with them (if the game even allows you to make your own server instead of only having ones hosted by the company, which is a huge negative when it comes to people cheating since theres like no such thing as 'admins' on officially hosted servers)
Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.