December 7th, 2014
Helpful Avamods Admin
Join Date: September 7th, 2006
Status: :_
Posts: 1,412
Kick in the door, a wave of forty-four.
All I heard was Bubba dont hurt me no more, Syria is ours Iraq is our Iran is ours Turkey is for us will be our wealth will be our West rest will be ours also even die die die nigga bitch bitch Eat your pork and beans fat American pig. Show your Jersey Shore, honey boo boo fucking ass to mouth. Pig fat slob Isis has a plane made of clear plastic. Invisible to see .. We are flying over you moms with loads bomb from a short-m glory hole glory hole destroying America shoot every day in the glory hole bang bang on her face bang bang on her tits bang bang in her hole wet bang explosion in the dry her Pit America Death champion glory hole glory hole warrior Mohammed glory hole glory hole Allah Allah Hallelujah Glory hole of God the glory of God , Amen