Nothing can be done to improve hill.
You can, however, add newer updated version of hill that might have these issues fixed.
Or. You can advance spawns. Or you can change spawns all together. Make axis spawn elsewhere, like all within that one house by that flag.
Or you can create hurt boxes in simple areas where spawn camping will be most effective. I can help you with that. Or a teleport. Yes. A teleport back to spawn.
All in all you just need 4 boxes.
One big one covering the entire spawn area. One on each side of the back hills. One on the hill overlooking axis spawn. Remove the 2nd hill flag. And and a box there.
It's either snipers who are spawn camping and they can do it from pretty much anywhere, but my idea will reduce mgs / gunners / infantry from camping in their spawn zone and shooting them.
Less troublesome than a hurt box and most effective.
Also should do the same for allied spawn.