November 6th, 2006
forum member
Join Date: October 26th, 2006
Location: many places
Status: No Status
Posts: 46
haha I like the fact that people think I cheat and use hack.
I guess in a way that some people are praising my skill.
I also will clear about this though.
I do not use HACK.
I do however do fast weapon switch roll(pistol to primarty gun, etc.).
If that is against the rule of this server I will gladly stop that, but I do see lot of people doing that here.
Also, I do shoot the sniper gun before scope clears up.
However that's after I aim the target with noscope or timed no scope.
I press shoot button right after press scope button, but there's delay.
Usually it take some split seconds before actual action of shot occurs. During that time i try to adjust my aim with the barely visible background.
I typically join Axis for that reason. Axis sniper gun's targeting eye while scoped are drawn with thick line bars that helps me to adjust aim faster than Allies sniper gun. I do not have a dot on my monitor either.
I admit using that during my early days struggling as a sniper.
If you still think I cheat that probably your experience as a player for DoD is limited. If you played DoD for long time here and at the level of CAL, I am sure you have heard or encountered people that uses the sniper gun same way I do.
I hope this clears everything.