November 7th, 2006
forum n00b
Join Date: November 7th, 2006
Status: No Status
Posts: 5
Djnoeck was my roommate when DoD was first released. I'd wake up and he'd be playing. I'd come home from work and he'd be playing. I'd go to bed...still playing. I'd wake up in the middle of the night to sounds of gunfire and germans shouting commands...still playing. I don't even know when he slept. Years later...he's still playing.
He is that good. Some people complain that he occasionally sucks or plays terribly. That's when he's trying to learn some new trick to beat you later. I'm sure there are better DoD players out there, but there can't be many.
Consider this: If we were hackers, how come I am so bad?? Last night I had 2 kills and 22 deaths before I turned it off in frustration. I get killed constantly by DJnoeck and the other roommate who played all night long back then, greatestsale.com. Except greatestsale and I had jobs, so we played less, and I had a girlfriend (whom I married) so I played a lot less.
They've just been playing the same game nonstop since it came out, that's all.
Pete (doesn't know why he still bothers to play, but does his best)