The setting for our play: "It's 2:03 am and I'm sitting at my pc, wondering what to type on the forums that I havn't visited in far to long, becuase let's face it, who goes on forums, right guys?"
dazed thought: Well, I have no clue who trix and johnny are, doesnt matter, um this elf guy aques, or something, never met you hello though. Diamond, doesnt ring a bell

, umm krissi ? she's that random chick from the forums somewhere. ow ya then theres umm, wait thats it.
LEGIT THOUGHT: Ow by the way nice to have met the new members and such I'm not that bad of a peron really. Very nice to meet you guys and yeah I'm sure we will all be best buddy old pals soon enough. There seems to be quite a bit of change since I last visited, must be that thing called life getting in the way, sigh. Well to the new ones, I'm Wenchmart or James which ever you would rather call me, and please don't ever call me "wallmart" I hate that, a lot. I hope that in the near future we become more acquainted, until next time happy trails to you all.
P.S : DIamond. The whole post where to join c dive.. is that legit I mean can anyone just post there? Or do we still give out the c drive gold for those who are willing to put out for diamond first? :cool: