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Old November 17th, 2006
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BuLLeT BuLLeT is offline
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yea i totally agree with u johnny, u as a admin should get the respect u want when u issue a warning about not doing something, then u should be listen too, unless the person doesn't want to and get kicked/ban.

Yea but walling someone when u know they are there, say u see them run from u as you're in a fire fight behind a wall i'll follow them through the wall shooting..... or say there is a mg or sniper in double window on the box and i am in red room i'll shoot through the roof and the lil wall part to kill him, same thing with sniper crack if i see a sniper rifle poking out i'll shoot at the wall to get the sniper. i mean these are a few i do, the others are just spam spots that i'll just randomly shot at as i run past, sometimes im lucky and someone is there or someone may not be there. Its all about having an advantage over your enemy, this is one of the many ways of how i gain the advantage.

But all in all as i saw in the other thread about buck joining cdrive I have been brought down with buck, and being compared to buck. for idk wut reason or why, but thats just gay. so i dont think i am anything like him in the game or on the forums.

but this discussion is good, it gets us to talk about the matter at stake here

Last edited by BuLLeT; November 18th, 2006 at 09:43 AM.
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