November 19th, 2006
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: August 3rd, 2006
Status: roxified
Posts: 1,068
Quote: Originally Posted by Caparzo 
Wait a minute, did you really ban him for accessive walling? Thats insanely sad...Walling isn't illegal in DoD, and they have it for many more games other then DoD. People who wall all the time just know how to use their headset, i don't see a problem with that. You cannot ask a person please stop walling in a DoD server because honestly there is nothing wrong with it. I can understand if there are many more problems, but if you allowed buck to come back and told him to keep walling to a minimum that is pretty fucking gay.
best to know the extent of his behaviour before you come to the conclusion that what is being "done to buck" is gay.. he sits in the same spot just waiting for people to come by..that is GAY, legal or not, amongst a multitude of other things.... and like diamond says, this is his server and he can make any rules he likes... there are a bunch of other places that dont care if he wants to sit there and wall through the entire game.. so he is more than welcome to take his happy walling ass to one of those places and play in peace. but when it comes to cdrive and when i am there, its not happening, not with Buck and not with anyone else if i can help it. 