Risk TOurnament is a 4v4 competative hybrid of Risk the board game, and DoD

. The setting is Europe. Your goal is to conquer Europe starting out with only one country. You have the strategic front which is the team captain choosing what country his team will attack next, and you have the actual game play, where instead of rolling dice like you do in Risk you actually play your battle. Our clan has played this as an innerclan tournament before and we decided to take it public and allow you guys to come and play.
Heres a link to the site (Not EVEN close to being finished but it gives you the info you need) so you guys can take a look at it.
If your interested in joining get a team roster of 6 together and sign up.
If you cannot get a team together contact me and I can see what I can do. I will either make a team of player whos clans did not participate, or I will make you an assigned player. For details about assigned players please read Rules.