April 21st, 2005
forum regular
Join Date: March 14th, 2005
Location: Westchester,Ny...Deh Inna Philly Now
Status: No Status
Posts: 163
well i really have nothing else to say on this issue but if you wanna know what i said i'll just copy and paste all my posts on the issue.
well it came to my attention today that DAMIAN hacks.
after 10 off spec-ing it was pretty clear so i perm ban him, if he bitches tell him i did it and it's up to you guys to take it off.
lol it was very obvious.
i didnt think to make a demo, but he was following walls and all that good stuff.
pre shooting before people turn the corner even when they are crouching, thats how i got skeptical he did it to me a couple time and i was crouching(no foot steps) and he shoots before i turn the corcerns everytime.
i will whenever i'm on msn.
yeah i guess it was my fault, i'll record a demo next time but like i said i hate to ban ppl and i wouldnt do it just to be an asshole i thought he was and it was pretty clear.
so unban him next time i'll take a demo.
there you go.