January 13th, 2007
i dont want a goldfish
Join Date: March 13th, 2005
Location: Upstate New York
Status: hazey
Posts: 3,259
well for years cdrive was 24/7 ava then i started working in a couple other maps (of which hill wasnt on till after quite a while) but avalanche still weighed pretty heavily and was the only map in rotation (while there would still be votes for other maps) then i worked in hill classic into the rotation with ava but have always tried to have avalanche get more play time over hill.. as i really still view the server as a 24.7 ava server plus a little more lol
..so our roots are deep in avalanche.. especially for us who have been in cdrive for years..
and probably the only time an admin is extending ava even when the vote is different.. is when im on.. lol.. not sure if anyone else does that, or can do that lol.. and i dont really play much anymore.. so if im able to get on for an hour or two.. you can damn well believe im playing the map I want!
one reason i hate hill, and probably the other admins do too, is because whenever we are playing on hill.. we dont really get to play... we have to spend the whole game babysitting everyone cause the only reason half the ppl want to play that map is cause they can camp the whole time with sniper in the back corners of it... or go and camp the enemy spawn and rack up kills... theres a very small percentage of ppl who actually capture flags and 'move' in the map compared to the amount of ppl whole just prone in the bushes or camp spawns
it would just be stupid to always have a map running that none of the ppl who actually maintain the server ever want to play on...
i could just go back to how things used to be.. and sorta what i miss.. and that'd be just a modded ava server... BUT by adding other maps.. im trying to give people what they want without giving up what i want... and people that basically want it to be a 24/7 hill server are free to go play css instead
Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.