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Old January 21st, 2007
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Pope Pope is offline
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Default and I've tried them all. (lol IX)

I'm paying $6.95 for their delux plan. 1000gigs up/down. 100gigs space. If that doesnt sell it to ya, 25 mysql databases, and unlimited domain aliasing. domain aliasing is where you can host multiple domains under your plan, sharing your accounts space.

I host about 6 sites on the account, and its solid. Havent had any issues so far. One downside with domain aliasing is email addresses., you can set up email addreses on your 'main' domain only. Another down side is restoring databases. You can only restore up to a rediculous 2mb's. If you email them and be nice, they will restore it for you if its larger. Control panel is custom. It's not the greatest, but everything you need. 404 pages redirect to godaddy.

They may have a few cons, but overall and for the price, it's a great deal. Service has been excellent. Very large and reputable hosting company.

I also work for a very large interactive company in Toronto. They all use godaddy.

Hosting is crazy though. I hate it. Since there are 700billion sites offering this service, its a pot shot. You might get lucky with I use to use They offer some solid packages. What sold me on them was that you can add 10+ domains with unique ip's, not domain aliasing, shit loads of databases, and everything else. It was to good to be true. It was true. The one thing they didnt advertise is its slower then a snail in a race whos got an IV of thc in his arm. So you never know what you're gonna get


Last edited by xxkrissixx; January 22nd, 2007 at 08:56 AM. Reason: typo to (wanted to make sure people went to the right place)
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