today was the worst day of my life! i lost my girl, one of my guns, $22.95 plus tax and the love of my life noobess.
well i did loose a gun and a girl (long story) anyway wtf is up wit the sever . god u know i come home fron a sucky day to play dod and wtf no sever. god damn
if u want to know how i lost my gun well.... i let a friend a 30-06 for a hunting trip and now thr poliece have it cus he was "illeagly brandishing" it. and sience its unregisterd i cant claim it.
now im more pissed about loosing ,y girl cus i got a few guns. but she went for some other guy cus hes got a fucking escelade. sihdbhabhdbswhdlJHEDJKFHJJHSJHDVLKJJHSDJVHJJ FUCK IM PISSED AND I CANT PLAY DOD.