Thread: C-Drive?
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Old February 6th, 2007
Morgenroete Morgenroete is offline
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Quote: Originally Posted by i-beat-old-people View Post
you guys are doing your thing, we are doing ours.

Oh wow... your arguing like a gods damn child, you do know that do you?
Act like a fucking man for gods sakes. If you REALLY didn't care you'd be off and gone with your server, never to bother us with your ranting again. Instead here you are, going on about this and that trying to validate your existence.

What are you trying to prove? That you’re right? That your way is better?
Your trying to convince us all of one thing and it doesn’t make sense. What we want is a friendly and good place to lay down your burdens and play with a friendly community. If what you want is a personal playground for you and your friends to circle jerk to each other's attempted hegemony. That's fine more power to you, but what I don't get is where that involves you coming back here like a shitless fuckwit, starting a thread with the air of "yea I don't wana argue but... I'm gona lay down my thoughts for you to suck on." and then prattling on like a 14 year old.

Give me a break; you can't possibly be doing this so that You get the last word? Ahahahahahaha omg kid you’re sad, so very sad. Cause this is exactly what you’re trying to do. “its just a video game, and i think everyones lost site of that." Look at yourself boy, fucking step back and look at yourself. You've so obviously invested yourself into proving the world *us" that you’re relevant, that you matter.

It’s important to be a man. Sometimes that means standing up and defending what’s right and decent. Being a man isn’t about just having strength, it’s about Judgment, and how to act towards each situation.

Get over yourself.

Oh btw fools who call people “cupcake” yea that REAL classy. It’s right up there with deer antlers on the hood of a truck. And Colton for the one thousands time, Buck is gone stop sucking his cock.

Last edited by Morgenroete; February 6th, 2007 at 11:42 PM.