Thread: C-Drive?
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Old February 7th, 2007
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Quote: Originally Posted by Morgenroete View Post
Buck is gone stop sucking his cock.

im not sure what you mean by that you annoying voiced slanty faggot. tbh i wish you were gone the same as them, as youre a crybaby bitch. how you got into this in the first place im not sure, but i am sure they hated you because you sound like a 6 year old.

and i wish you would learn how to use words in the right context before you try and insult someone.but hey whatever. be illiterate. probably has something to do with your people not having r in their alphabet. LOL "colton for the one thousands time"? GJ. and you edited it. GJ again.
i dont talk to buck or you for that matter. buck is 16 so do you really wonder why he acts that way? you just sound like you crammed too many crayons up your nose. and for someone to not care so much, you keep on posting short stories and you just love to bring up bucks name.

lol YOU just make that YOU respond to beatquik, im sure they definitely care what a 5-6 asain kid with a nasal polyp problem thinks. idk where you get off talking shit to me, as you havent been on this server half as long as me, but YEA I VALUE YOUR OPINION!!

Last edited by coltron; February 7th, 2007 at 10:58 AM.