Quote: Originally Posted by
usually i take halucies for a more spirtual purpose...
....out of body experiences...not good.....
i always found the spiritual trips to be the ones full of obe's.. heh sometimes if i was having trouble 'turning my mind off' thru just meditating on acid.. i would take a hit or two of salvia.. that would instantly send me off and get the ball rolling.. and the acid would carry me thru a couple more hours of obe's
and obe's on acid are so intense lol.. even compared to mushrooms.. mushrooms i always found it to be more gentle in heavy shifts of consciousness... but acid was always fast and clear.. heh i'll never forget the 1st time lol.. the veil of illusion (maya?) was completely lifted & there was no physical connection with my consciousness and myself (well actually no connection to who i was at all as there was no self)...which can be quite uncomfortable for someone who has no idea whats going on.. even worse if you try and hold on and fight it... people always freak out cause they feel like theyre dying.. heh thats pretty much the point...
Quote: Originally Posted by leary's 'the psychedelic experience'
Liberation is the nervous system devoid of mental-conceptual redundancy. The mind in its conditioned state, limited to words and ego games, is continuously in thought-formation activity. The nervous system in a state of quiescence, alert, awake but not active, is comparable to what Buddhists call the highest state of dhyana (deep meditation). The conscious recognition of the Clear Light induces an ecstatic condition of consciousness such as saints and mystics of the West have called illumination.
terrifying shit lol.. but i would give anything to experience it again lol.. heh thats when i realized there was a lot of really interesting shit going on that no one ever tells you about.. and that half the shit you 'learn' is all bullshit and does nothing but imprint your mind with the thoughts and ideas of someone elses reality..
Quote: Originally Posted by timothy leary
trust your nervous system
ohhhh shit late for work :(