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Old February 17th, 2007
xxkrissixx xxkrissixx is offline
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: August 3rd, 2006
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I was never good on the trippy mind was already too twisted..everything was always way too scary and it just got scarier..I got lost in a graveyard the last time I tripped, by myself at night..and when I finally made it down to the street, I got into someones car that I thought I knew and when I realized he was a deranged lunatic that was going to torture and kill me (lol) I jumped out of the car while he was still driving, fell down an embankment and someow ended up in my front yard. After at least an hour of climbing through the grass which I could hear every single blade rubbing agaisnt each other and I thought my gram could hear it too, I wobbled into the house, sat down and watched the most hilarious episode of star trek ever written. I was laughing so hard that by the time I calmed down, I realized I was sitting naked in an empty bathtub...go figure.
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