March 2nd, 2007
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: August 3rd, 2006
Status: roxified
Posts: 1,068
Wow, what a wide range of jobs everyone has...
Ive actually been asked this before, people wanting to know how it is that i can sit around and play DoD all day.Some have suggested I sit around collecting welfare and child support. ( no such luck )
Other than being the coolest Mom on the block, Im a free lance artist. My main area is doing artist renderings of buildings in the process of being constructed for commercial properties and developers.Meaning, I draw what the building is going to look like once its completed.Its a fairly good living. Theres two ways that I make the renderings, one is done by hand which can run anywhere from 2-3000 dollars per render. But as of late I have been producing them digitally, which makes it easier and faster to put them out. Also the cost is better. For Digital renders I get anywhere from 12-1500 dollars per render. Once Ive completed the render, it is put on a large sign on the construction site. Here are a few links where you can see my stuff.. the first two are digital renders, the third is one done by hand with pencil,markers, and watercolors. You can click on the small image to pull up a larger view.. the girl doing the website is kinda retarded, so instead of reducing the image size, she "free transformed" them losing LOTS of detail and kinda distorting the first one..
the watercolor is here: