March 26th, 2007
forum regular
Join Date: September 24th, 2006
Status: No Status
Posts: 358
mmmmmm don't copy my build, it's really complicated if you don't know what your doing. As of this moment my New computer has been broken down to it's base parts waiting to be assembled *yes I've changed much to it* Right now I'm typing from my brothers computer and at night his laptop. I haven't used "My" computer for almost 4 months. With exams and my final semester of college I don't have time to finish the build and I can't exactly build at night cause it'd wake up everone.
I recomend *if money isn't a problem* for getting a 2 gig ram kit and make sure your motehr board you pick has 6 channel slots for it.
As for graphics cards... There is going to be a huge drop in prices soon. stay tuned.