April 17th, 2007
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: October 14th, 2006
Location: Philadelphia
Status: No Status
Posts: 989
something to think about
75 law-abiding Virginia Tech students who have permits in Virginia to carry concealed weapons but live on campus turned their weapons over to campus security for "safe-keeping" at the beginning of the school year. An untold number of other law-abiding Virginia Tech students with CCW permits left their weapons at home when they moved on campus. And many more law-abiding Virginia Tech students who live off campus left their weapons at home when they came to class this morning.
So Virginia Tech was a perfectly safe "gun-free" zone. Except for that one guy.
As a weapons owner and a CCW permit carrier I actully feel ashamed to enjoy my firearms.. Something my instructor told me years ago.. guns dont kill people, people kill people,...