Quote: Originally Posted by
ha thanks goat! and diamond my dad has two aks, and an sks amongst numerous other semi auto rifles.. ive had keys to the cabinet since i was 15 and would never shoot up a school lol i just went a few weeks ago and we ran 500 rounds through the new AR, not to mention a garand and a few other choice items, and that was just a morning...
nice, some of my best BBq's have some guns, I have a some land behind my home, so its private and fenced off.. nothing like getting The 98's, MP40'S and the MG's out, My next purchase will be a russian PPSh-41. I always inform the local police when we shoot, some of them even stop by to see if we are ok

I have checz sks and that shoots like a dream, looks cheap as hell and all pressed metal but i get zeros everytime with it
I also teach firearm safety to women at my local gun club (you would be surprised how many women actully like to shoot)
maybe I should get some you guys up to Philly later in the summer for some brawts and bullets