April 26th, 2007
forum regular
Join Date: November 25th, 2006
Location: Alabama. Where beating your wife is fine and gambling is illegal because it says so in the Bible.
Status: No Status
Posts: 181
RaV|Aimtek is a twat whore.
Ok. Dickwad was repeatedly spawn camping. Some folks thought he was cheating. Personally, he does a few fishy things..but we all do that kinda stuff sometimes by pure luck. Just looks like he practices with the kar alot. The bitch is the blatant spawn camping..even when asked to stop..quite a bit. So here's a nice demo for you to sit back and enjoy. His steamid is inside the demo. Party like it's 1999.
Er. There would be a demo..if it would allow me to upload the fucking thing.
"Invalid Post specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator." is the error I get. Well, who can I mail this to?