May 10th, 2007
forum regular
Join Date: November 4th, 2006
Status: No Status
Posts: 153
How long can I make this thread title go for? I wonder when it will cut my sentence o
I play dod using guns and stuff. (I prefer to drop 9.8 kills* sniping)
If you don't know me this must be your first time on the internet.
My likes include; tandem bicycles, the inside, basements, dark places, butter, crisco, other assortments of high fat foods, my right hand, my razor, tight pants (my sisters), trolls, bridges, trolls under bridges, and masturbation (Average 4.7 times per hour)
My dislikes include; Tandem bicycle riding outside, the outside, social events, the sun, diets, my left hand, scales, exercise, popular kids, germans, meingott, and I got nothing else.
I hope I didn't forget anything! Well gollygee, this was sure fun to type.
*9.8 average kills is calculated according the number of maps played divided by pii multipled by how many charcters are in my name to the power of how many times big red said lag plus you're gay divided by shutup and finall all over the square root of negative 72 times how long my penis is.
Have a nice day, faggots.