May 20th, 2007
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: August 28th, 2006
Location: US
Status: No Status
Posts: 405
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AvaMods Forum Posters License
Application & Background Check
Answer questions 1-20 using the #2 pencil provided. Do NOT write in shaded
areas. Answer questions 1-16 only.
PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF (type or use black ink only)
1. Last Name:_______________________ 2. First Name:_______________________
3. Date of birth (day/year/month):______________/_____________/___________
5. Age (in months):_________________ 6. Present ZIP Code:_________________
7. Present Address (number, street, city, state):
__________________________________________________ ________________________
8. Previous address:__________________________________________ ____________
9. Number of children (including spouse):_________________________________
10. Employer's Name:________________ 11. Years at current job:____________
13. Primary annual income:$_________ Explain:_____________________________
14. Bank Name:______________________ 14A. Account number:_________________
14B. Type of account(s):
___ Checking ___ Savings ___ Other
15. Check one:
___ Own Home ___ Rent
___ Own condo/co-op ___ Other
16. Assets (check all you own, except as checked in question 15):
___ Auto (see question 6) ___ Home
___ Stereo ___ VCR
___ Major appliances ___ TV (Circle one:
17. Second co-mortgagee of subscriber's trustee (including first part;
use other side if necessary):_______________________________________ ______
If none, give alternate and explain:______________________________________
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