May 27th, 2007
forum n00b
Join Date: May 27th, 2007
Status: No Status
Posts: 3
We're Sorry!!!!
A couple of us were in your server last night and we got a little drunk... I'd just like to apologize to anyone that we offened/annyoed, especially Kristi who was a wonderful host and Gunman who egged us on lol. Sorry about that we really enjoy your server and your mods are great. Sounds like a lot of good people play there and we would love to join in your community. Please give us a second chance and unban us!!!
STEAM_0:0:666133 ~CTU~ Goose
STEAM_0:1:69925 Tumbly
and i don't have the steam ID for the third but his Friends name is "cid_of_bm"
I understand if you choose not to we can turn into ass holes when we drink. Thank you and again we apologize.
~Goose, Tumbly and our idiot friend..