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biggavin16 July 9th, 2007 01:03 PM

yes i am amazed! killing people not in the avamods server.. where they all seem to be ez kills.. no offense but i was always able to go 4:1 on either side even before i started whoring apartments. yea RL is my new somewhat home cause i like the gunmod.. no one takes my bar!

xxkrissixx July 9th, 2007 01:15 PM

actually I seem to play better everywhere else BUT Avamods :P prolly cuz I dont talk so much!haha

BuLLeT July 9th, 2007 09:18 PM

lol i miss ownin u krissi, u had to be half my kills, u would continuously go apartments. u shoulda came to my server i would have 1 v 1 u... :P

yea negativing Cal kids are awesome, they own me but when i kill them i neg. them and they seem to get pretty mad :D

Back to the topic of the thread, both to admins and players.....

STOP BITCHING AND WHINNING. play the game, there are always gunna be noobs, campers, and ppl who Own you, deal with it, its all part of the game....

xxkrissixx July 10th, 2007 01:02 AM

haha! well..im not as easily owned anymore.. Im still pretty bad.. but not AS bad.. and I thought about going in.. but then i thought about how id be at the mercy of the admin and i decided against it :D (i'll pass on having my keys rebound and all those shenannigans!) :lol:

biggavin16 July 10th, 2007 03:05 AM

Inj is slowly but surely getting back into dod.. trying to get him to come in vent first.. but his mac doesnt like vent

xxkrissixx July 10th, 2007 06:09 AM

wouldnt it be so cool if everyone could go back to the way it was in cdrive last summer when inj wasnt superemo and buck wasnt a total fag..you know..if youd just not be so gay when you somehow find your way back into the server, you might not get banned the next time you sneak in ;)

Jonny Automatic July 10th, 2007 07:30 AM

macs suck.

biggavin16 July 10th, 2007 11:55 AM

eh i dont need anymore accounts. Unless i crack a few more cause i always wanna play some dod:s every now and then. Other than that only way id come back is if i got a reserved slot.. and maybe the power to mute people or i could just voice_enable 0. But thats not gonna be for a while just got a new game card for WOW so toad and i are back into wow pvp server bloodscalp if you guys wanna join PS you guys see the new news posted on cplcrackys site? lol seems someone else finds it fun to piss off a redneck alcoholic

diamond-optic July 10th, 2007 01:43 PM


at least their website gets more attention then their server does

but i truly love the news posts about how the server is doing good or some shit.. bout how its filling up...

when its always just cracky sitting there for 12hrs by himself..

biggavin16 July 10th, 2007 02:06 PM

lol soo true ive always wanted to go in there play nice make him feel like we are friends then reveal who i am.. BUT theres never anyone in there to play with....

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