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-   -   Please to be unbaned please (https://forums.avamods.com/bans-report-cheaters/1525-please-unbaned-please.html)

Frank February 8th, 2008 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by The Punisher (Post 14326)
dude you have played with me twice.


Don't be like that man!

I thought we bonded though 8-)


I Forgive You My Son February 8th, 2008 08:14 AM

Just as an aside, we spent an hour on the server this afternoon having fun and good laughs with the regulars, no problems and we had some good games. Maybe it was the people who were on last night who caused the trouble.


Not you though krissi, oh no certainly not you!

mein gott February 8th, 2008 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Frank (Post 14318)
Oh, I was not trying to blame you :O

I mean, I think it's fine that it was a vote ban. Although I think that everyone just votes "yes" anyway. I was tempted to vote yes myself. I think It's part of the game really.

its in peoples nature to vote yes, they just like to do it, I think i even vote kicked myself once, but i have seen an increase in vote kicks and bans

diamond-optic February 8th, 2008 11:04 AM

well im pretty sure only those with a reserved slot can use the voteban command.. so blame punisher :D

RageyPoo February 8th, 2008 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Frank (Post 14308)
Punisher, I've always liked you. Why do you get so defensive though?

#1: He is not defense, just something is up his ass 24/7. You'll get used to that.

#2: You were a complete and utter asshole / douche tit when you stepped in the server for the first time. Way to give a wonderful first impression.

#3: You were warned to stop or something would happened and you just made bigger smart ass comments.

#4: It was a short ban, so I'll see you in game and own you some more.

Good day sir.

I Forgive You My Son February 8th, 2008 11:35 AM

While we were playing last night someone kept constantly spamming chat with racial epithets and extremely insulting comments and no-one remarked once to his language or behaviour! Indeed, he was still cursing black people when I left the server after an hours play.

Frank February 8th, 2008 12:07 PM

Well man, that's your opinion. Looks like our ideas of "Having a laugh" differ

RageyPoo February 8th, 2008 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Frank (Post 14339)
Well man, that's your opinion. Looks like our ideas of "Having a laugh" differ

No, you are very wrong my friend. They do not differ, infact, they are almost too similar.

Now, when you first meet someone - what do you do? You don't text them, you talk to them. So they can get the hint that you are a sarcastic prick. Now, if you were using a mic more often, we might of been able to rub you off. But the fact that you failed to do that - made you look like a complete and utter asshole. and let me tell you, it's hard to rub an admin the wrong way.

You did a damn fine job.

I Forgive You My Son February 8th, 2008 12:16 PM

When you first meet someone over here, you get drunk with them and either end up fighting, fucking or both.

I guess our cultures are just too different to intereact :(

BuLLeT February 8th, 2008 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by RageyPoo (Post 14336)
#1: He is not defense, just something is up his ass 24/7. You'll get used to that.

fuck i've been wondering were that condom went...thats my favorite one!

yea ppl see having fun in a gaming server in different ways. but the bottom line is playing the game is suppose to be fun. I play to have fun and sometime play to get a good score, but at the end of the day its all about having fun.

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