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-   -   Please to be unbaned please (https://forums.avamods.com/bans-report-cheaters/1525-please-unbaned-please.html)

Frank February 7th, 2008 10:20 PM

Please to be unbaned please
Why was I banned from the server?

I was joking with the admin at the time, obviously they do not know my humor yet. I WILL GROW ON THEM!!

Please unban me, i'm sorry :( :( :(

BuLLeT February 7th, 2008 10:40 PM

question #1.
Did you own anyone?
If yes that might be the reason

Frank February 7th, 2008 10:46 PM

reply one:

No, i was just having a laugh. My kill/death ratio was like 0.3

I'm sorry for whatever I did though. :(

BuLLeT February 7th, 2008 10:51 PM


well u were probly only ban for 5 mins or 30 mins or an hour. so nothin to worry about.
yea sometimes the admins get a lil defensive when u laugh at them or be funny. like Trix, he makes fun of me then i make fun of him and he cries about it, cause hes a bitch faggot from Westchester county

The Punisher February 7th, 2008 10:59 PM

I banned him. lol

Frank February 7th, 2008 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by BuLLeT (Post 14303)

well u were probly only ban for 5 mins or 30 mins or an hour. so nothin to worry about.
yea sometimes the admins get a lil defensive when u laugh at them or be funny. like Trix, he makes fun of me then i make fun of him and he cries about it, cause hes a bitch faggot from Westchester county

haha man, so true. It feels like no one has a sence of humor anymore!

I like you though, man you should play more often :)

The Punisher February 7th, 2008 11:03 PM

I like you.....will you be my boyfriend?

Frank February 7th, 2008 11:05 PM

Punisher, I've always liked you. Why do you get so defensive though?

BuLLeT February 7th, 2008 11:23 PM

lol i play alot just not under the name BuLLeT, i use many diff names but usaully the regulars know who i am, but usally change to bullet when im about to leave to let everyone know who was killing them the whole time :P


Originally Posted by Frank (Post 14308)
Punisher, I've always liked you. Why do you get so defensive though?

hahhahah the best was one of the first times i played with Punisher, he made a vote kick for this kid and i voted NO, and he got pisssseddd all cause i voted no lolll

Frank February 7th, 2008 11:28 PM

Haha man, that sounds like typical punisher :)

As i said, I love playing with the guy and he's great fun, but sometimes (as you know) his temper gets the better of him!

But I'm looking forward to playing with you myself, if i get unbanned that is :(

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