to be honest guys were talkin shit and i got involved. its all for fun in the game. i have been playing ur server the most out of anyone in the world these past few weeks(check the stats) and i get banned. i need this server back please tonight. and sorry about the title i meant unban me
i mean UNBAN lol
sorry spelling error
so can u please unban me i just wanna play
so can u please unban me i just wanna play
I dont think so, everytime someone kills you, you start talking shit. Knowing this would happen, i come on, kill you once! and you have to start talking shit. This isnt the first time you started shit with me personally for no reason.
Looking at some of the names you have used, harassing regulars and general being disrespectful; all reasons why this ban is good. Take your week off and maybe come back with an attitude change.:D |
ur serious. ur actually gonna take that this seriously on a game man. y cant u give me one chance and not be like a dad to this server. all i wanna do is play and u cant even give me one more chance. ppl do a lot worse things. and u dont think i dont know ur admin when the list shows up. when i talk its not serious so dont take it that way
dude, with all the repsect I have left for you. Each time we play you start insulting people and you think you are the best on the server. If you are really so great and so good at this game why dont you just go join Fagjunkys
Well honestly i would have just told you to eat a hot bowl of dicks but i wanted to try and give a responsible answer for once.
You act like youre fucking amazing or something, theres really no place for you here. And your 1 chance is the week instead of being forever. |
y cant u just give me one chance and ill never say anything in chat
and w/e man if ur not gonna do it thta just sucks. i played ur server so fuckin much
no i know u have longer but i just got dod like 1 week ago
and im 2300-1300 in 1 week so no i dont think u played as much in one week |
i said i went 2300-1300 in one week
so no u dont compare |
well how bout im just allowed to play my favourite server like i should be allowed
Cute how your trying to attack him about his stats when you have 35 hours played and his first seen just went over the year mark. But yeah, youve played SOOO MUCH.
No one gives a fuck about those stats. The only thing your stats show me is you showed up here a few months ago and now somehow feel entitled. And if it were your favorite server you wouldnt go insulting the admins. |
no man. i only showed up a week ago and i dont feel entitled. i just wanna fuckin play
hey ludacris these guys are assholes.. i might get yelled at for this, but come play on the Cpl Crackys Fun house server. It seriously cannont compare to this one!! see you there
Yeah, go do that.
thanx man. and no not even that server compares to this one. its 24/7 with rank ava thats to dank. but coltron is a young guy himself and still feels like he has gotta to be a dad when im just a 20 year old myself. this guys 25 and i dunno y hes acting older
Rofl, what part about my posts suggested i was older than 25?
Was it the eat a hot bowl of dicks part? |
no im saying u are just a kid urself to trying to have fun just like me. but u gotta try acting older going through with all thses bans and being a dick, y dont u be fucking different for once and let someone just have fun and try putting urself in my position wanting to play a god damn game
Why would i do you any favors? Youre the dick, and you can fuck right off.
Also, you heard it here first: Bans make you more mature.;) |
all u have to do is click a button and u can remove my ban. maybe u should ban urself so u can get more fuckin mature
2. 20 and so immature .. 3. stupid indirect questions combined with some kind of weak reverse psychology never worked |
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...-u-mad-tho.jpg |
yo buma u can just suck a cock all i wanna do is play this server so stay the fuck out
http://www.randomfunnypicture.com/pi..._nunchucks.jpg |
but ye serious coltron ur a loser takes this game to serious
Aww, see what you did? You just went ahead and made your ban permanent.
all good man
all the regulars might vouch for me but wait u wouldnt even listen to them anyway.
I'll vouch that you're a fucking idiot. If you had any common sense you would have left 30 mins ago and been better off.
Also im not too sure which one of us takes it more serious, you went through the whole registration process just to get told LOLNO.
And now are crying about it. Were fucking laughing at you, but yea, were the ones who are WHY SO SEWIOUS |
Well, theres 3 regulars that think youre a fucking assclown.
look at how much of a fuckin dick this guy is. just for all u gamers who remember me out there i wont be in that server but this guy is a cocksucker who takes advantages of his power. and who prolly hasnt fucked in his life cause he is a fucking loser who just sits and plays dod and actas big to other players by banning them. get a life u fucking faggot
so have fun being an admin on a computer game when u prolly have a shitty life with no girl
Sure wish i never had to pay for those fucking abortions. Nice try though rofl. Youre acting like all dont at least know each other. |
But youre a fucking nigger so +1 for me. |
well im going out hard for everyone else on this server who are to scared to call u this cause all u gotta do is a click a mouse to ban them. but suck a fuckin dick
SO hard by begging to be unbanned then CRYYYYYING when it doesnt happen. |
o ye and worst dod player every fucked ur gf last night
and dont even lie u know ur girls custy as fuck. ur lucky i dont fucking know u either
o buddy u wont stop hearing from me u sack of shit just wait
Why am i lucky you dont know me? im not a hard guy to find. I understand that as a canadian faggot you arent fully aware that most americans are gun owners. Hope to see you soon sweetheart<3
lol thats ok if ur a gun owner i work at a cemetary i got a hole waitin for u and actually a double grave for ur gf
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