Yes, I'm an asshole... Man, why don't we just ban EVERY person that comes into the server who doesn't have an agreeable personality...
Got a problem with the occasional "Wooooooo!"? Just mute me... Hell gag me if you're so inclined. Got a problem that I said "Negative!" right after killing you? Welcome to the internets. It's just a game... Every game has it's poor sports. If you've got a problem with how I conduct myself while I own you, then just say something. It doesn't require a ban.
I wasn't mic spamming, I wasn't spawn camping, I wasn't using excessive profanity (not that anyone cares), I wasn't voice command spamming, and the list could go on.
I guess now I can see why you wanted to ban me for so long... It must be annoying getting your ass handed to you everytime a certain person logs onto the server.
C'est la vie. There's other servers in the ocean, and other people equally as bad as you that I can kill for, well I guess I could consider it a "warmup". Peace out, take it easy, don't be a stranger, etc. Although I hope you never find yourself in a position of power in the real world.
"Man, that countries economy is kicking the hell out of ours... Better ban trade with them."
"Man, that guy got a raise before me? Doesn't matter if he can do double the work, he's gotta be fired..."
"Wah wah wah! I want my waddle!"
Everyone else, good luck, and be careful. You might sneeze, kill Johnny, and find yourself one DoD server shorter.
Krissi... When the tests come back... Don't call Springer... I am the father...