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Bans / Report Cheaters Think someone is cheating? Been banned yourself and dont know why? Discuss this sorta stuff & post demos here..

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2007
santa_sh0t_tupac's Avatar
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Default Demos and getting STEAM_IDs.

Well, just to make sure people know how to do those two important things...here we go:

First, it's no help complaining about someone without a solid non-changing identifier. Luckily, years ago, the developers realized this also. As such, we now currently have STEAM_IDs. (Used to be sexy Won_IDs back before HL got the huge Steam dick in the ass.) A STEAM_ID is tied to the CD key that you get with your purchase of HL or any of the commercialized HL mods. This means, when your steam_id is banned (i.e. by steambans) you would have to buy another cd to get around the ban. No account hopping here baby.

All of that leads me to actually obtaining the STEAM_ID of players in game. To do this, you must bring down your console. The console is a developer CLE (Command Line Entry) system implemented in the game. It can usually be "brought down" by pressing the tilde (~) key. If you can't open the console with the tilde you'll have to go check your keyboard options to find out which key will bring it down.

Once inside the console you'll type the command:

This will show you a list of players and their associated steam_ids. Then you must take a screenshot of the status results. (See the attached image "status_screenshot.bmp" to see the console and the results of a STATUS command)

How to take a screenshot in a windows environment.

That's all there is to getting someone's STEAM_ID.

How to make a demo in any half-life based mod.

Although it's a CS link..it uses the basic half-life library of goodies so it works in DOD. To summarize though, in case it wasn't clear:

The following must be executed in the CONSOLE.
RECORD [DEMONAME] -- Begins recording a demo with file name DEMONAME.dem RECORD coltronhashacks -- That would begin a demo with file name coltronhashacks.dem STOP -- Stops the demo currently being recording. PLAYDEMO [DEMONAME] -- Plays a demo of DEMONAME.dem PLAYDEMO coltronhashacks -- Plays the file coltronhashacks.dem VIEWDEMO [DEMONAME] -- EXPERIMENTAL GUI Demo player. Use at your own risk. Will use DEMONAME.dem VIEWDEMO coltronhashacks -- Opens up the GUI player using the file coltronhashacks.dem

Please note, there are 3rd party demo viewers out there if you want more ease of use. Also, playdemo cannot be rewound/fast-forwarded/stopped as viewdemo can.

If you need to upload your .dem files for admins to view (which is usually the case), you can find them in your ..\Steam\steamapps\ACCOUNTNAME\day of defeat\dod folder. For instance, my coltronhashacks.dem is located at
c:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\johndoe\day of defeat\dod\coltronhashacks.dem

I hope this helps to clarify some things. Game on!
Attached Images
File Type: bmp status_screenshot.bmp (1.08 MB, 4 views)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2007
Former AvaMods Admin
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Thumbs up

Well written and much needed.Thank you Santa.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2007
Jonny Automatic's Avatar
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my scrot is itchy!

*scratch scratch*
Hi! My name is Ronald!
and youre name is DOUCHEBAG!
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