i love being allied on Charlie. I love taking the left road up behind the lines and reeking havok on the campers. Snipers, MGs, anyone gets the knife in the dark!
Caen is not really a camping map if you have a lot of people, but noone wants to run out in the middle of those large streets to cap flags when there are only 10 people playing because they know they will get sniped w/o backup.
I love Sturm, and the subsequent revamp; Merderet... or is it the other way around? The revamp has the sewers. Anyhow, those maps are fun.
I'm not a big fan of Anzio per-see, but it's something else for a change after Avalanche get's extended three times.
I am in love with Flash, Kalt, Donner and saints though. My favorite DOD map has to be Flash. Not much camping allowed in those small streets and few houses. I don't know if anyone remembers my old [GD] tag, but when "Gross Deutschland" was strong and had our own server, we loved to do bayonette charges down the streets, scareing everyone into backing up franticly and firing wildly until they were hacked up.... of course we would get far until four or five of us were mowed down by MG fire together... it was beautiful! I miss GD :(
Heben die schwarze fahne und sieg heil Viktoria!